Barber-Nichols has developed and manufactured custom cooling pump solutions and configurations. These customized pump solutions have evolved into product families providing thermal management cooling solutions with superior performance and unique features, including a broad range of operating flows while providing essential MIL-STD environmental capabilities.
Many of Barber-Nichols’ MIL-STD pump solutions utilize permanent magnet DC motors with input voltages from 28 to 600 Volts DC. In order to utilize these direct current power sources, Barber-Nichols engineers, designs, and manufactures appropriate power electronics (DC Controllers) which allow tailored pump operation for speed, flow and head with control by CAN BUS, RS-232, Ethernet, USB (GUI Interface), RS-485 communication protocols; as well as 0 to 10 Volts and 4 to 20 mA control. In addition, the DC Controllers provide certain elements of pump health monitoring. Barber-Nichols’ DC Controllers are provided both integral to the pump assembly, and separate, to meet diverse size, weight, and location requirements. Barber-Nichols is very experience in meeting MIL-TD-461, MIL-STD-464, and MIL-STD-704 requirements.